
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How to Get Windows 8 Right Now!

How to Get Windows 8 Right Now

The beautiful Windows 8 Consumer Preview is upon is, and although it's not the final version, it's getting close. This isn't just for developers—it's for you. So get downloading and start using Microsoft's amazing new beginning.
Are you already a Windows diehard? Or an Apple user, looking to see how the other half lives? Either way, we've got you covered like a thick flannel blanket. Made out of preview software.

First things first: download Windows 8

You can do that by clicking right here
Then you need to put that file on something you can install it with. That means either burning the ISO disc image to a DVD or copying it to a USB flash drive. A little annoying, but that comes with the territory when installing a separate operating system.
Whether you're using Windows or OS X, this feature is built right in.
Now let's install that sucker. (If you're prompted for an activation key, use this: DNJXJ-7XBW8-2378T-X22TX-BKG7J)

Are you on a PC?

Once you've got the Windows 8 file, you'll want to install it alongside the current version you're using—this will allow you to dip your toes in without committing, but requires some minor hard drive futzing.
If you want to run Windows 8 on its own slice of hard drive real estate, you'll need to create a disk partition—clearing out a blank space on your computer for Windows 8 to settle into. This is easy! Our pals at Lifehacker have a full guide if you need it, but you really only need to follow this:
Open the Start Menu and right click on the "Computer" option. Click "Manage", and in the window that appears, click on "Disk Management" in the left sidebar.
Find your system hard disk in the graphical list that appears in the bottom pane. Right-click on it and then click "Shrink Volume". Shrink it down so you have at least 20GB of space left on the end of the drive, and click OK. Then, click on the "Unallocated" block of that drive that appears and click "New Simple Volume". Click Next on the next few windows until you get to the "Format Partition" window. Here, give it a volume label you'll recognize (like "Windows 8") and click Next. It should format the drive for you. Now you're all set to install Windows 8.
Simple, right?
Your PC will now boot into Windows 8 by default, but if you want your previous version to auto-start, go to "Change Defaults or Choose Other Options" from the Windows 8 boot menu.
You've now got a two-headed computer.

Are you on a Mac?

Taking your Apple down the Windows trail is a little bit more complex, but not enough to keep you from going nuts. Apple has a special tool to get Windows running on your computer—Boot Camp. Guess what! It's already on your computer: Applications > Utilities > Boot Camp.
NOTE: We're encountering some problems at the office trying to get Boot Camp to create a Windows 8 installation flash drive via MacBook Air. It's possible the method that worked for the Developer build won't work for the Consumer Preview. We'll keep you updated.
Pop that open, click Continue, and select "I have already downloaded the Windows support software," create a partition for Win 8 (Boot Camp will divvy off a chunk of your hard drive for you), and then Boot Camp will walk you through the rest like installing anything else (watch this video from 3:00 onward if you need visual guidance). We promise it's an easy step. You'll automatically boot into Windows, but hold down the option key on your next restart to switch operating systems.

You're now using Windows 8. Tell us what you think.

But remember: not only is this a beta product several months away from release, it's also dramatically different from any operating system you've used before. So proceed with the knowledge that you'll volunteering to be Microsoft's guinea pig.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Glossy white Xbox 360 Kinect bundle announced

If you have been wondering when or if you can get a white version of the new Xbox 360 console design, your wait has now ended. Microsoft has announced via the Major Nelson web site that it has starred shipping a new Xbox 360 Kinect Bundle package to stores in the US and other parts of the world that features a glossy white 4 GB Xbox 360 console. The console comes with a Kinect motion sensor and an Xbox 360 controller, both with the glossy white finish. The bundle also comes with two free games (Kinect Sports and Kinect Adventures) along with a card good for three months on the Xbox Live Gold service. The bundle is priced at $299.99 in the US. Europe and Brazil will be able to receive the bundle in a few months. Users can also purchase a glossy white Xbox 360 controller separately from the bundle for $49.99 starting today. There's no word if the glossy white Xbox 360 console or the Kinect sensor will be sold separately from the bundle at this point. Of course, the original design for the Xbox 360 console in 2005 had a white finish but that was ditched when Microsoft redesigned the console and made it black when it relaunched in 2010.


Monday, February 27, 2012

PSN maintenance starts on March 1 at 11am ET

Expect some PSN downtime starting on March 1, from 11am ET until 2am ET the next day. The PlayStation Store on both the PC and consoles will be unavailable, as will account management and PlayStation Home. If you're signed in when maintenance starts, you'll be signed out automatically.


Medal of Honor: Warfighter to feature co-op support, one shot kill mode

Medal of Honor: Warfighter will keep its authentic roots in check, according to OXM, with the shooter to come with co-op and a one shot kill mode.The mag (via CVG) says the game’s story will be based on actual events from soldiers, with stories written by Tier 1 operators during mission downtime. Operators are rep’ed on an international basis this time round, featuring SAS, the German KSK, the Polish Grom and the Australian SASR. Preacher, Voodoo and Mother are some of the characters that return in the game, with one location mentioned that players will visit including a flooded Isabela City in the Philippines.


Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Best Videos of the Week

The Best Videos of the Week
Have you heard that video is a big thing over at Gawker Media? It's true, we watch and post a lot of videos each week. Here are some of the best videos of week, culled from an array of Gawker Media sites.

The Best Videos of the Week

VA Lawmaker Can't Get Laid Because of Transvaginal Ultrasound Bill

Virginia Del. Dave Albo brought down the state house floor with this prepared monologue today. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

The Best And Very, Very Worst Of JaVale McGee: A Video Tribute

JaVale McGee is an elite athlete who does things that most people could never even dream of. That's what makes it all the better when JaVale decides his talents are best spent doing things like goaltending a shot into the fifth row and running back on defense while his team still has the ball. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Finnish President's Husband Caught Staring at Princess' Boobs

Scandinavian* Scandal: Pentti Arajarvi, the husband of Finland's president, has been caught ogling the Danish princess' tits at a royal dinner in Copenhagen. The Sun provides video of the naughty Nordic spouse staring at Princess Mary's northern exposure, then averting his eyes and pretending to stare at the ceiling when Mary turns to face him. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

You Actually Can Put A Gun Rack In A Chevy Volt, Newt Gingrich

One gun-totin' Chevy Volt owner responded to Newt Gingrich's claim that "you can't put a gun rack in a Volt" in the best way possible. He built a gun rack and put it in his own Volt, just to prove Gingrich wrong. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Mass Effect 3 "Take Back the Earth" Trailer Extended Cut Doubles the Excitement

First there was the teaser. Then the full trailer. Now BioWare has unleashed an even longer version of the excellent Mass Effect 3 "Take Back the Earth" video, with nearly 90 seconds of additional footage. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

OMG, It's a Baby Fennec Fox

It just wants to get up on the bed. HELP IT GET UP ON THE FREAKING BED. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Unreleased Pre-Fame Nicki Minaj Video: No Stupid Faces

Here's Nicki Minaj, pre-Young Money signing, pre-"Super Bass," pre-pink hair, pre-Super bowl, pre-nonstop mugging, pre-stupid voices, walking through Queens and rapping over a Terror Squad beat. Pretty fun. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Someone Cut Off Adele's BRIT Awards Speech, So Adele Flipped Everyone Off

When your country's national musical treasure returns home to London after winning six Grammys and endearing herself to millions of bitter, cynical Americans with a single snort, it is probably in best practice to allow said treasure a fair number of seconds to bask in the moment of winning Album of the Year at her homeland's biggest music awards show. If you don't, said treasure can always flip everyone off on national television. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

The Scale of the Universe 2 Will Blow Your Mind Once Again

Like the Godfather, the second part of the interactive Scale of the Universe by Cary Huang is even better than the first one. Prettier, with more information, and smoother. You can click here to enjoy being reminded of your mortality and insignificance. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Your Skinny Jeans Are Most Definitely Killing You

Bad news, friends. Your skinny jeans are slowly sapping the life out of you - that is if they haven't killed you already. You could be dead right now and not even know it, like something out of a M. Night Shyamalan movie. In fact, let's just assume that you are dead and I am addressing a bunch of ghosts. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

And now, 15 minutes of Worf's ideas getting shot down by everyone on The Next Generation

This is easily the most depressing supercut I've seen in a while. Why the hell did the Enterprise crew keep the son of Mogh around if they were just going to crap all over his suggestions time and time again? That killjoy Riker, preventing our disenfranchised Klingon buddy from rending esophagi and whatnot. View »

The Best Videos of the Week


In Brazil, helicopters are apparently built with the same structural frequency as the rotors' mechanical resonance. Or something, since I just made that up View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Occupy Wall Street Videographer Films His Own Baby's Birth In Back of NYC Taxi

Occupy Wall Street welcomed its newest supporter yesterday (?) when this Occupy Wall Street videographer's wife had their baby in the back of a livery cab in New York. He filmed it, of course.View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Russian Billionaire Rapping on Russian TV Show is Actually A Lot Like an SNL Sketch

SNL's on a rerun week, so the writers have plenty of time to prepare for the return of LiLo on March 3. But here's a quick sketch pitch: Replace Russian oligarch and presidential candidate Mikhail Prokhorov with Fred Armisen and run this actual segment from an actual Russian comedy show word-for-word. Do not change the set. Do not change the words. Do not change the way they all bob their heads to the beat. Do nothing. In fact, maybe just get the rights and lift the entire thing. This is perfect as it is. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Holy crap, does this worm-like amphibian lay terrifying eggs

In the soils of northeastern India, researchers from Delhi University have uncovered an entirely new family of amphibians. Meet the Chikilidae, which belong to an earthworm-like order of amphibians known as caecilians. Seven new species of Chikilidae were uncovered by the team, who recently published their findings in The Proceedings of The Royal Society B. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Video: 8-Year-Old Boy Shot in a Bronx Bodega

Armando Bigo, a second grader, was struck by a stray bullet while in Papa Yali's Deli last night. The footage shows Armando browsing the chips selection when he was hit in the upper chest/shoulder area. According to his mother, who was in the store as well, he is recovering at Jacobi Medical Center, where doctors are treating him for a punctur lung, a fractured rib, and an injured spinal cord. No one else was injured in the shooting. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

‘Why Is No One Stopping This Murder?' Asks Marie Colvin In Her Brutal Last Report From Syria

Not for the faint of heart, Marie Colvin's last report from Homs, Syria shows the slow death of a baby boy. The city has been under siege for 18 days, resulting in thousands of casualties. Colvin was killed earlier this morning in the home where she was staying.View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Stephen Colbert Explains His Absence

Stephen Colbert used the opening of tonight's Colbert Report to explain the sudden two day absence of his show last week. It seems clear now that all the crazy rumors were, in fact, crazy, and that Stephen went home to attend to his 91 year old mother. And it also seems she's ok, which is great news for all the members of Colbert Nation. View »