
Monday, December 26, 2011

Why you'll remain loyal to either Sony or Microsoft next gen

Over time when hardware lowers in price it becomes more feasible for consumers to purchase a second console. At launch however when prices are at their highest, most core gamers are likely to stick with what they know, possibly ignoring the specs of their respected console of choice, and being more swayed by how the games look and play. That said, with the hardware of either the PS4 and Xbox next possibly being close in terms of performance, there are other reasons why gamers are likely to stay with the same console manufacturer as their current generation machine.

Brand recognition.

With many gamers spending years (6 years now for some) using their current console of choice, there's likely to be certain expectations from any new hardware based on past experiences. Whilst many will cite more practical preferences as to why they are firmly rooted in either Microsoft or Sony's camp, brand recognition does have an influencing role in purchasing decisions. Sony in particular has a distinct edge in terms of being in the business longer than Microsoft, and therefore it's safe to assume that many will have simply invested in a name they are familiar with regardless of any other more tangible points of interest - like pricing. With Microsoft making ground this generation and Xbox on par with Playstation in terms of brand recognition, it's highly likely that what will be offered via new consoles is well in tune with consumer expectation and means that most will be content with sticking with what they know or feel affiliated with via association of product.

xbox 360

Appealing features.

The features are as important as the games themselves, and with added and perhaps familiar options that come as part of the package, makes sticking with the same console manufacturer more likely. A lot of buzz is generated beyond the games, and when the next Xbox or Playstation is able to cook breakfast and do the washing up afterwards, the decision to remain loyal is very much reinforced. Xbox has a solid online service and as we've now seen a ton of integrated media features, PS3 had Blu Ray which was an important aspect for consumers at the time. Extras which build on the strengths of the current consoles is very much an influencing factor for many consumers - especially during the first year of new hardware when software is lacking. The Wii U for example will have compatibility with the Wii controllers which certainly is a positive way Nintendo can tap into the vast number of Wii owners.

wii u

Future exclusives.

Console launches usually have at least one game that is recognizable or exclusive in the works, and so the prospect of playing Halo 5 or Uncharted 4 in the future very much influences consumer decision. A lot of the possibilities are showcased and is a cleverly woven marketing tactic used by Microsoft and Sony, to keep gamers hooked. If gamers can continue to play updated versions of familiar franchises, then most of marketing battle is won. Mutiplatform games undoubtedly contribute to driving sales, but when versions on different platforms bear little differences this places more importance on the exclusives. Coming from one camp or another, gamers will have preconceived ideas about the franchises they would like to play, and therefore this is an important factor in sticking with a manufacturer providing expected experiences.


Enticing Pricing.

The price has to be right, and at the start of a new consoles life-cycle the prices do tend to be very high, making the desirability more prominent. Early adopters, whilst fleeced on the pricing, have the privilege of early and exclusive ownership and that in itself is a driving force behind early sales. The PS3 arrived at a high price, but was touted as being worth every penny at the time making the console appear to be a high quality product commanding of such high pricing. That said, if ones console of choice is out of reach in terms of price, then the fine balance of waiting and sticking with the cheaper last gen console rather than selling ones kidneys is the most likely course of action. Consoles do drop in price, some sooner than others, so it becomes a waiting game where being content with the previous generation console is feasible especially as they usually remain well supported in the face of new arrivals. Pricing is probably the most effective way a rival can snag consumers from one camp to another, but when all is considered, price often reflects quality and when Xbox first launched, it was a cheap mess compared to the more affluent looking PS3.

ps3 prices

Backwards compatibility.

A consoles backwards compatibility is perhaps the most influential force when determining buying a new console. At launch there are usually few games, and it's highly probable that not all of the launch games will appeal. Therefore if the PS4 or new Xbox allows you to continue playing the last gen games in your collection - possibly with a slight upgrade in resolution - then this means that sticking with the same console manufacturer is feasible. There will be some who switch sides, or even trade in all their old games, but the issue of having multiple systems in the playing space is eliminated if the new can accommodate the old. Obviously over time when more software is released, backwards compatibility becomes less important, but at the very beginnings is a crucial facet in keeping the potential user base happy.



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